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Step 1 – Register Mangers and Coaches
- Log into the website
The Team Manager who registered the team’s intent to participate in the event will need to visit the tournament website at and log in with the username and password used to register the team with. If you have forgotten your username or password please use the “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” links to recover the information.
- Once you have logged back into the website, hover the mouse over “Register” in the top menu and choose “Register Player, Coaches and Guest” in the fly down
- Team Coach/Manager Info Entry
Team fees allows for up to a total of (3) coaches/managers to be registered per team. In order for these individuals not to be charged for either a player or guest fee you need to ensure that these 3 individuals are the first to be registered on the list.
Begin filling the form with the information of the coach or manager who will be main point of contact during the event. Include name, gender, age, address, city, email address and phone number.
You will need to upload a photo of the coach or manager, click browse to access your computers file system, locate and choose the file of the individual (acceptable file types are .png, .jpg and .gif). Click upload.
- Accommodation Information
If this person requires accommodations at York University choose YES in the first drop down box in the Accommodation registration section. Visit the accommodation page for more information on the available accommodations.
- Once you have chosen yes you will now have the option of the type of accommodation this person would like.
- Now choose the dates required for check-in and check-out. Please note that we can only accept registrations from July 20, 2013 to July 29, 2013. If you are looking for accommodations outside of the dates at York University please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Flight Info
In an effort to plan efficient shuttle service from the airport to the York University accommodations it would be great to have the arrival time of those attending the tournament. If known please enter the person’s flight information.
Click on "Add Member" to continue to add the information of the next person on your. If you are adding the information for another coach or manager just follow the steps above as you did for the first entry. If not continue with registering the information of the player.
New Rules Accreditation Requirements for WFDF-Sanctioned Ultimate Events Announced
12 April 2013
The WFDF Ultimate Committee is pleased to announce new WFDF Rules Accreditation Requirements for WFDF-sanctioned Ultimate events. The requirements, which will stipulate specified minimums of players on each team roster that are rules certified, will be introduced for all Ultimate events in 2013. As a self-officiated sport, the...
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How To Register
National Organizations can now register teams for the tournament. By booking before April 16, 2013, teams save 20% off their team fees. The registration process will take part in two phases. The first phase is the team registration phase. The second phase will be the...
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Phase 2 - Individual Registration Now OPEN
Phase 2 - Individual Player, Coaches and Guest Registration
The individual (Team Manager) who registered the team for the event will need to complete the registration for coaches/managers, players and guest. The next phase of completing registration for your team individuals (players, coaches and guests) is now open. This section will contain step by...
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Team Representatives
Team Representatives
Each team at the WFDF 2013 World Under-23 Ultimate Championship will be responsible for having three (3) representatives:
Team Manager: This person is responsible for all the non-playing administrative interests of the team throughout the event. The responsibilities of the Team Manager shall include, but is not limited to:
- Register the team and players for...
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Registration Fee Schedule
Registering For The Tournament
National Organizations can now register teams for the tournament. By booking before April 20, 2013, teams save 20% off their team fees. The registration process will take part in two phases. The first phase is the team registration phase. The second phase will be the...
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Rules and Eligibility
WFDF Rules and Eligibility
WFDF World Under 23 Ultimate Championships 2013 will abide by the latest WFDF rules, including:
- WFDF Rules of Ultimate
- WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2013: APPENDIX
- Eligibility Rules for WFDF Ultimate Worlds Events
- WFDF Hand Signals
For WU23, WFDF does not define a small “range” (eg. Players between 20 and 22 years old) but rather an age limit. Here is the official word from WFDF on U23 Age Eligibility:
U23 (23 and Under) - A player participating in the U23 division must be twenty-two (22) years old or younger at the beginning of the calendar year of the event. The player is therefore under twenty-three (23) at the beginning of the year of the event
Therefore if you turn 23 years...
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